Mixed Feeling

I have always wonder on why is happiness free,

But yet expensive in every attempt to experience it.

Sadness is like a constant fling,

You want no attachment but it just can’t leave.

It is like a constant reminder of reality,

That fairies are only seen in dreams,

A fantasy that the subconscious brings.

I believe in no fantasy,

At least there is not always a happy ending.

I just want that detached feeling,

Like i am here but participate in nothing,

To feel like the kite soar high in the sky,

Going with the current of the wind,

Feeling lighthearted with no worries,

Just reveling in the moment of been free.

But when have something good come easy,

When finally there is a free path to been happy,

The wind cease,

The kite comes tumbling,

Never given that chance to experience the thrill.

This is how it feels to feel dim,

When sadness just put out the light of bliss,

As every other thing comes falling.

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